Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lunch Meltdown..Afternoon Recovery...End of Day Time Out

Kate was up early today (I had a photo scheduled at Ladera Dance Academy at 8) so all my commotion woke her up...

By lunch time, Kate was hitting the wall...the first image, just minutes before she went up for her nap...

but then she recovered nicely after her long nap and before heading out to a play date, wearing her "ruby slippers"...

and finally, she was tired late in the afternoon and required a "time out" after landing a right cross on Dad's coconut.

She did have a great end of the night and fell asleep quietly and happy...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Ellie

This morning Sandi brought Ellie around to the studio when she picked up her print order and Ellie got to see the 40 x 60 framed image that we will hang there. The print was almost as tall as she is.

Thanks Sandi and Evan for asking me to photograph your family and thanks Ellie for giving me such a beautiful portrait.

Nicki's Table

This morning, before the heat really kicked in, Kate spent some time with her coloring book on her table that Nicki painted.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Katie in the window...

Yesterday, before leaving for an assignment, I was loading up the car and looked up and noticed a little 20 month old in the window.

Kate and Nicki were in the guest room where Kate has become enamored with the guest bed and all the fun she can have turning it into a trampoline. Kate took a break to tell me "" (almost like an old David Spade, SNL skit).

I can imagine this "trampoline" is going to be a tough habit to break.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bouncing Kate

The past week or so has been hot and muggy here in Orange County. A couple of days the temperature went over 100. Ugh.

Finally, the weather broke today, and we're back to a more temperate climate, with a very comfortable cool western breeze. We love it and it's why we live here.

Yesterday though battling the heat, Kate had come back from the waterpark and all Nicki could get her to wear were her nappies. It didn't stop her though from turning the guest bedroom into a trampoline as she tried to avoid her evening bath.

And then this morning, backlit, in the office.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Erin & Randy's Birthday Party | Encinitas, CA

Yesterday I got to hang out with some very cool folks.

Erin and Randy held a 60th birthday party bash at Cottonwood Creek Park and it was a very festive gathering of family and good friends.

Erin and Randy's daughter Emily had been in Kristi & Grant's wedding party in June (and Randy actually performed the ceremony!!!) and after seeing the images from the wedding, she contacted me and asked if I might be available to document the party.

Congratulations on your birthday's Erin and both are proof positive that 60 is the new 40!!

Wishing you both many, many more!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ladera Ranch Dance Academy

Friday I photographed a class taught by Marci Tuttle at our local Ladera Ranch Dance Academy. Thanks to Chris and Aimee, the owners of the Academy, for inviting me over.

Soon Kate will be old enough to attend. She'll love it, we suspect.

And looking forward to working more with them in the future!

Kate in the Kitchen SInk

This morning, after breakfast, Nicki sat Kate next to the sink and she had a good time playing. Of course, now she's trained so that when she goes by the sink she wants to sit in it again...oh boy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shameless Plug Alert: Blu's Daily Blog

Blu Domain held their Happy Hour Chat for the day ... I was honored to be the guest....

To view the transcript (in the comments box) please go to:

(Thanks Kailee!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Canon 1d m3 | Christmas in August!!

just added:
I made this photograph this afternoon of Kate. The image was also made with the 85 1.8, 1/80th at f2, 640 ISO...focus on her right eye. Processed in ACR 4.1. The b & w effect was added later in post production in Photoshop.

I just got my newest camera toy -- the Canon 1dm3. Moments after I plucked it out of the Fed Ex deliveryman's hands, I took a few test frames, just to see if there were any issues.

Some folks have reported on focus issues, and while this is by no means a comprehensive test (still need to put it through the paces, but these were shot with the camera battery at 6%, nice to know even with that little juice, the camera still performs quite well), this particular body seems to not have any issues. Whew!

The images were all made by available light using the 85mm 1.8 lens at close to maximum aperture (f2).