Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hawaii...catching up

Before we head out to Sedona tomorrow at 8, I have to get a few Hawaii pics up, at least, so Nicki can send out a mass mailing to the folks on the mother continent (Africa).

There's more, of course...have to download the point and shoot camera and that's where the pics are of us at the beach...these are a few photos from at the University of the Nations in their residence quarters on the first day (Kate wears the traditional lei given to us by Jo Fahringer, as she met us at the Kona airport). U of N occupies an old resort that they bought in the late 70s after the resort had gone bankrupt and was in a sad state of disrepair. It's only about a 1/2 mile from the beach but probably just far enough away to keep it from really competing with the beach resorts.

Then there are a few of Kate basking in the last rays of the sun from the balcony, and then as she said goodbye to the students in the class. There were 13 students and they were sweet, talented and we really fell in love with all of them, in the course of our stay. It was tough to say good bye; they were especially generous to Nicki and Kate.

Danny holds Kate in the kitchen area at the school. We proclaim Danny Kate's first official crush. Man, she was flirting with him, giggling, making starts already ;-).

Anyway, off to bed...