Friday, October 05, 2007

My Girls are Back Home!

Late this morning, Nicki and Kate arrived at LAX, both a bit bunged up with colds, but glad to be home after nearly 3 1/2 weeks away..the first words out of Nicki's mouth, not "Hi Baby, I missed you so much" were instead..."Don't take MY picture...take her picture (meaning Kate)". Sorry, I want to show both of you...and I know you were feeling ratty from the flight.

They had a great time in S. Africa...though Nicki told me that she's never doing that trip again without me. I can understand.

Once we got home, Nicki and Kate had a few things to welcome them and then Nicki crashed for about four hours.

Kate was a bit jetlagged, and understandably whiney for the first hour and then regrouped and started to have some fun again back home.

Within minutes the home looked like it had been hit by Hurricane Kate.

She hit the wall around 5:30 or so and then had a little bit of dinner, wanting more and more to feed herself, with no bib of course.

Bath time, and bedtime just before seven and she was asleep in just a couple of minutes...hoping she sleeps through the night and gets back on California time soon.

Thanks Tony and Moira for taking such good care of them while they were there...I wished I could've been there this time.

But next time, for sure.


Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Welcome home, Nicki and Kate!! You gals looked like you were pretty fresh to me!!

I loved the balloons and the welcome gift for Kate.

In the photo of her in the bedroom door, she looks like she grew a couple inches and is standing like a teenager....(just seems that way)....

So is the new fad, two nuks?

Welcome home....Kate will get on CA time just to go on SC time in a week.

Peggy :)

12:12 PM  
Blogger Million Dollar Mary said...

i thought the same thing....that sassy little 17 year old stance....oh, it will come all too quickly, i promise you!!

so glad you both got home safely...and glad you had a great trip.

love you oodles,

10:41 AM  

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