Thursday, December 21, 2006

Granny Moira, Grandpa Tony arrived from SA!

Nicki's parents Tony & Moira arrived after their marathon flight from S. Africa. They live in Durban, on the far east (Indian Ocean) side of the country and so it's typically about 35 hours of transit to get from LA to's just a brutal trip but when you get on the other side it it's really worth it. It's especially fun in coach!

Other than three of their bags not making the connection in Paris, they arrived in good form.

This is Tony's first chance to meet Kate, though Moira has known Kate since she was born (having spent the first month with us) still a shock to me that it's been almost a year. Kate's progress has been nothing short of astounding and continues to keep us spellbound as first-time parents.

We're so glad that the grandparents are here and tomorrow Nicki's brother and his family arrive (they've been visiting in NYC) and then middle brother Andy will hopefully get out of fogged-in London as well in time for Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing quite as precious as family!

12:06 PM  

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